Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What can I learn from you? Teach me something (Mon 06/22)

Monday Funday. Not quite. Today was a pretty slow day at work. How many times have I had these days? I feel like it’s been a lot more lately. Sorry to complain, but I want something to do other than obsessively check my email at work. I guess I write my blog at work which is also helpful. But I want work!

Anyway, I basically just sat in on two meetings today, one for the PCR department that I normally work in and one for the Women’s Rights department that I’m starting to do more work in now. The first meeting was sucky for me, I didn’t really have anything to report nor anything I “hoped to accomplish” for the week other than getting in touch with my boss from the Women’s Right department whose been MIA for the past three days. The second meeting was more productive. I listened to Phil, my reappeared boss, talk about what the problems were for last month, how to take care of them this month, and what needed to be done by the end of July. Apparently this department is really far behind, hence the need for me! (I like to tell myself that I’m going to be able to help out a lot. Not likely, but I can hope.) I was given a massive assignment of putting together a packet for a training program that’s being held in July, which basically means the kind of intern work of printing, organizing, and making phone calls. Hey, I guess it happens to the best of us. I didn’t really think I’d be protesting and transporting around inflatable eyeballs every week. The problem was that I didn’t get sent the papers until late in the afternoon before I was about to leave, so the work will have to wait for tomorrow.

The B&B evening was a pretty standard one of dinner and hanging out. We talked about watching Baby Mama (that discussion happens just about every evening) but we ended up watching this incredibly strange movie that I can’t really begin to describe because I didn’t really understand what was going on. It was pretty hilarious though that despite the fact that we were hating on how horrible the quality of the filming was and how bad the acting was, we were all staring at the TV for the minimum amount of time we were watching it. Funny how that happens, the bad movies are the ones that you sometimes watch the most intensely.

The highlight of my evening was finally beginning language lessons with Julian. I’ve agreed to teach him Arabic if he teaches me German. Don’t worry, I will be completely fluent in the three weeks that we’ve got to learn the language. For sure. But really though, when else am I going to learn any German? We have a little notebook where I transliterate Arabic into English print and he writes the German beside it. Except I can’t remember anything I’ve learned right now since we only have one notebook and he keeps it. I’ll get my own. The sounds really corny, but I like having international friends. Actually that sounds really corny, I’m sorry. I guess what I mean is that I feel like I learn a lot from them, whether they’re from Germany, Egypt, Pakistan, India, or even different parts of the States. And it’s really fulfilling to be around people who are interested in that, too. It’s something that I’ve really come to value, and I hope it becomes a regular facet of my interactions with people. Plus, it helps to have people you know living in random countries so when you want to go visit them you have a place to stay. Just joking, I’ll be excited to see them again!



p.s. Danke means thank you in German. I just remembered that!

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