Monday, July 20, 2009

Reasons this weekend was SO African (Fri 07/10, Sat 07/11, Sun 07/12)

1) Hip-hop concert

One of the first things we learned about our graduate coordinate Karlyn is that she break-dances. But she has yet so show us some serious break-dancing moves. Instead, she organized a trip to a hip-hop concert Friday night so we could finally see some real break-dancing. I’ve definitely seen hip-hop and break-dancing before, seeing as how dancing took over my life for, oh I don’t know, around 14 years. It was still pretty sick. Kind of like me through the whole show. I wasn’t feeling too well, but the production and the passion of the people performing made me want to spin on my head with them. Even though I probably, ok definitely, would have vomited afterward.

2) Aquila Safari

Yes, it happened on Saturday. An African Safari. And everything was SO African. You have to say that phrase in a valley-girl voice by the way. Danielle said it mockingly at one point during the safari and it was absolutely hysterical. We woke up at 5:15 this morning to have Chris drive us the 2 hours it takes to get to the Aquila game reserve for our safari tour. The breakfast was amazing and an excellent start to the day. But of course, the highlights all came from our game drive. Aquila is a pretty small reserve, nothing like Kruger Park which is so well-known in South Africa. That’s where we really wanted to go, but it was too far, too expensive, and too time-involved for us to be able to. So Aquila it was, and it was totally worth it. The four of us who went (Anthony, Danielle, Lauren, and I) had such a great time together being American tourists. We saw teenage elephants play fighting, rhinos and baby rhinos, an annoying water buffalo who wouldn’t go away, zerbras, springbok, fat-ass hippos, lions and cheetahs, oh my. But of course, the best part of the entire safari were the giraffes. I have developed this association with them while here, courtesy of Danielle. It’s ok, I totally appreciate and accept the comparison. It makes sense and I recognize that. Besides, they are my favorite animals. Bottom line, the game drive ended up being everything I wanted and more. The landscape was breath-taking throughout the entire excursion, the animals were what you want to see when you go to Africa, and my company was spectacular.

3) Shark-diving, fail. Jade, fail

Reason 3 for this weekend being SO African is that our Sunday ending up being a series of fails that luckily turned out to be fine. Our first fail came with the crappy weather that kept us from being able to go shark-diving. I got a text at 4:15 AM saying that the trip had been cancelled. Dang it. We can go next weekend, but still, I got my hopes all built up and then SPLAT. Squashed. No, it wasn’t that serious. Our second fail of the day happened a good number of hours later when after we had all planned to go out to Jade to listen to some live music, we go to the door to find that the event is taking place at a different venue, far, far away at the waterfront. The other car decided to go home, but Victoria, Anthony, Julian and I went to one of Julian’s recommendations, Cubana Loungae. It was a fusion place of Latin and Middle Eastern ish. Pretty cool. They had sheshas, which made me reminisce about evenings in Cairo.

Clearly the day wasn’t that horrible, but I figured three reasons of things being SO African were better than only two.



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