Monday, July 20, 2009

Standard Work Day Schedule (Mon 07/13, Tues 07/14, Wed 07/15)

The past two days have been standard work days for me here in Cape Town, so there isn't much to report. Instead, I'll outline for you what a day like that is…

1)    Wake-up

a.     Set alarm at 7:20 AM for Lauren to shower

b.     Set alarm for me at 7:40 AM

c.     Actually get out of bed at 8:00 AM

2)    Breakfast

a.     Eat cereal/toast/eggs/all of the above

b.     Wait for everyone else to be ready

3)    Walk to work

a.     About 25 minutes

b.     Coffee from Vida, where the people are waaaay to shot up with expresso

4)    Work

a.     Check email

b.     Check facebook

c.     Blog

d.     Read CNN

e.     Check email

f.      Look for work to do

g.     Lunch with the girls

h.     Check email

i.      Work/gchat

j.      Leave by 4 PM

5)    Walk home

6)    Work out

7)    Shower

a.     Fight off worms in shower

b.     Try not to get electrocuted

8)    Dinner

a.     Either out, or eat in Tues/Thurs

9)    Hang out with everyone/watch movies/skype/laundry

a.     Tues/Thurs include reflection and/or discussion time

10) Sleeeeeep

11) Repeat as necessary.

a.     Applicable Mon-Fri only.

b.     Slight modifications are permitted.

                                               i.     Example a: helped Naomi with cheer dance in the evening that will be  taught to children in the township of Langa this weekend! 

                      ii. Example b: HARRY POTTER MOVIE! You would not believe how obsessed our group is with Harry Potter. Wednesday evening was the highlight of our last couple weeks, and we basically spent the entire week (before and after) discussing our love for the Chosen One. Not lame, so don't judge!

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