Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Unlikely discoverers on the rooftops of Cape Town (Sun 06/21)

Free daaaaaaay! Hopefully they won’t equal lame days. We were definitely better about that today. After much motivation to get out of bed at a reasonable hour this morning, a couple of us decided to walk around town for the morning to explore Cape Town. Unfortunately, most things are CLOSED in Cape Town in Sundays which is garbage. But it was still nice to get out of the B&B on our own, in an unstructured way. Even if all we did was basically just walk around.

We did discover something pretty cool around lunchtime though. I’m not quite sure how it happened. All I know is that when people started getting kind of hungry, we spotted a cute little café that looked like a suitable place to satisfy our hungry desires. Next thing I know, we’re following this lady into an old school elevator (which we then had to empty because there were too many of us) that took us up to the top floor above the café. When we got out, we walked up the stairs to the roof outside. There was this little sitting area up there, with a bar and lounge section, and all these little trailers. Random right? They had mini-mailboxes in front of them, and each one was decorated with a theme inside. You can sleep up there! They have a full size bed, a little couch, shower, kitchenette, TV, everything you would need for a night, plus some really sweet decorations. It was like a nice trailer park that happened to be on a roof in Cape Town. We thought about maybe renting one out for my birthday, but the problem for me would be that not everyone would be able to stay up there with me. And the weather here isn’t consistent enough for a rooftop party. Sad L We’ll see what we decide later. The lady also took us down to the ballroom area of the hotel. It was such a random find! Oh, and the lunch we had there was good, too.

So the majority of the day ended up being pretty relaxing, but not all that exciting. In the evening, Victoria and Naomi had been invited to a lounge/bar where a friend of a friend’s band was playing for the night. Anthony, Julian, and I decided to come along just to do something for the evening. It ended up being really cool. Everyone was just sitting around, on the floor, in big arm chairs, on couches, standing. It was a very eclectic group of people, and so was the music. There was a jazz band, a man rapping in Afrikaans, and a more mellow artist whose music we only caught at the end. Sitting around, with a diverse group of people that we didn’t really know was oddly refreshing. And the music was good, too.

I guess today was a strangely fun day. We didn’t really do all that much, and we didn’t really do anything super involved, but it was nice to spend a relaxed day in different parts of Cape Town. I’m not sure if that makes any sense, but I really learned today that it is much more about the company you keep and less so about the things that you do. But not gonna lie, I can’t wait to go shark-diving.



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