Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And today...We welcome you to advocacy (Tues 06/09)

Today was my first full day of work. Excitement! The TAC office is a lot different than I originally anticipated it to be. First off, like I mentioned yesterday, there are a lot of interns. In a way, I feel like this is probably for the best in the sense that at least the majority of people in the room are in a similar boat as me. I know that at this point, there is still so much for me to learn, about South Africa, about TAC, about AIDS. It makes me feel a little better knowing that a couple other people in the room are in the same boat as me.

From what I can tell. I’ll be doing some research, editing, and protesting during my time at TAC. Today, for instance, my first (and only) assignment was to edit an article for a magazine that TAC puts out every month. I now know a lot more about the TB/HIV relationship than I did before. Learning already! While I normally get fairly bored reading an entire magazine, I didn’t mind so much on this one. Maybe that’s a good indication of where my interests lie? I guess we shall see…

That was basically the only work I was given for today. Which was good since the office internet is freeeeeee! I don’t think I ever realized how amazing it is to have internet at your fingertips. So I am taking full advantage of that at the office whenever I can. Don’t worry, I’ll do my work too. But emails are important too you know?

Also, get this. The office has free peanut butter! How perfect is that?! The staple of my diet is officially there whenever I want it. You might not find that especially exciting, but if you know me well enough, you know of my obsession with and need for peanut butter. So don’t worry, I’m eating just fine in SA. Actually, apparently that “Africa diet” I had decided I would put myself on when I got here involves a large plate of dessert every night. Who knew? As such, a couple of the girls in the group have joined a gym. An all women gym at that. It’s really nice, with machines, classes, a hot tub. The plan is to go every day after work, so we’ll see how that goes.

Getting back on track…

Overall satisfying first day of work. Honestly though, I do hope it gets a little more exciting. The thought of sitting in an office, at a desk for the whole summer is not so appealing. And not such a great idea given my reputation for falling asleep at any given moment.



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