Thursday, June 18, 2009

And on the seventh day in Cape Town, we rested (Sun 06/14)

This glorious Sunday morning on the 14th of June, I finally was allowed to sleep in for as looooooong as I wanted. Probably the first time since before finals started at Duke. It was amazing. The only reason I even woke up by 12 is because Anthony came in to ask if Lauren or I wanted to go running. The answer, not today. Not because I don’t love Anthony because I do, but because the only thing I love more than a cozy bed is God. And my parents and my brother, for good measure.

Honestly, today was not exciting. And I loved that. I do not want every Sunday to be a lame day of sleeping in and then gyming it, but today it was well needed. The only semi-interesting thing that I did was go to Green Market with Rose, Victoria, and Lauren, before meeting up with Danielle and Naomi at a late lunch.

The night out tonight was also pretty chill with drinks at an Irish bar here called Dubliners that is usually packed with foreigners. Rose and Victoria started up a little dance sess in front of the band that attracted a number of over-weight men to us, but other than that nothing too exciting. The hot chocolate I had is worth raving about however, it was goooood.

Hopefully I’ll have something exciting for tomorrow because I’m already over the relaxed times. At least for now.




  1. I felt terrible about waking y'all up. I knew you liked your sleep, but I didn't think you'd still be asleep that late. I'm sorry!


  2. Haha no worries! We needed to get up anyway :)
