Wednesday, June 3, 2009

06/02/09, 8:08 AM, Welcome to South Africa!

After a 50 min drive to Charleston; 1.5 hours to Washington D.C. on the smallest commercial airplane known to man; 6 hours lounging around in Dulles; 7 hours to London; 13 hours hanging out with Big Ben; and 10 hours flying over Africa…

WE’RE HERE! I can’t believe that we’ve finally made it. I kept saying last summer that the coming year I would be in South Africa, and it’s actually happened.

Currently in a van driving to our B&B in JoBurg, I thought I would take the time to write my first official blog in this country. It’ll probably take me a couple entries to get comfortable talking to a nonexistent person, but I’ll get the hang of it.

I guess maybe I should write about what I’m feeling right now. If that’s even what people do in blogs. Oh well, that’s what I’m going to do. Feel free to skip anything you’re not interested in.

1) excited- duh. In case you missed the memo.

2) curious- we’ve done some reading on the history of this vibrant country. I’m hoping that what little I know will be exponentially increased. At this point though, I’m not sure what to expect…

3) stinky- but it’s ok. Everyone else is smelly, too. And in less than two hours I will have showered for the first time since leaving WV. Be happy Mommy J

4) maybe a little bit tired- not that I’m complaining or anything, but it has been a very long past two days. Sleeping in awkward positions and lugging around heavy bags isn’t exactly effortless know?

5) lopsided- we’re driving on the right side of the road. I feel a bit off center.

6) hungry- always

Like I said, I’m not exactly sure what to expect right now. It feels really different from when I arrived in Cairo with Habibi. There, I got off the plane with no hesitation. This time, while I would never think of turning back, there is a different feeling. I can’t pinpoint it yet. It may be hesitation, but not in a negative sense. Maybe I’m taking my time here, and absorbing what it could mean to live in this country for two months.

Who knows right? I’ll figure it out. Hopefully by July 26th.


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are in JoBurg and I'm writing a 20 page final long are you staying there for? Are you there the whole time? love&miss you...
